Evaluation of V4 cities in the area of Smart City

NEW – Final report on V4 Smart Cities

The web-based publication is available at the URL provided at the end of this section and is intended for wider dissemination.  The publication consists of the following sections:

► Executive Summary
► Country summary for each V4 country
► City-level deep-dive for each participating city
► Self-Assessment tool Disclaimer

The executive summary provides an overview of the project’s findings, visualises the main outcomes and describes the perceived and objective current situation of Smart Cities in the V4 region. For better navigation, the reader finds clickable images which lead to country-specific summaries.
The country-specific summaries provide a more detailed overview of the current situation of Smart Cities progress in the given country accompanied with graphical interpretation of data collected on sectoral development from the participating cities.
The city-level deep-dive analyses the responses in more details as it focuses on the following aspects of each city: strategy, key SC actors and projects, identified SC opportunities, and recommendations.
The SAT disclaimer section provides information on the response rate and stratification of respondents throughout the project. In particular, responses were clustered according to age, respondents’ sector of activity and respondents’ field of employment.

You can read the Final report on the Evaluation of V4 cities in the area of Smart City here.

The context of the Project

In a time of rapid technological evolution and the opportunities it offers, cities and their representatives need a clear and structured way to define and prioritise their challenges as well as niche areas to boost the development of the city itself as well as its business environment and its end users. A unified Smart City methodology to analyse the current state of cities and determine the priority areas for investment has the potential to address the growing need to access relevant data sources and availability of data about existing and developing SC initiatives that can benefit cities and their stakeholders across the region. Moreover, it can support a coordinated development of the Smart City programmes and identification of relevant projects and the much needed knowledge transfer, capacity building culture and cross border partnerships

Description of the Project

The Project aims to evaluate the current state of the Smart City concept in the V4 region and provide a comprehensive comparative overview, identify SC areas for prioritisation and support the establishment of regional cooperation of public and private entities to drive implementation of scalable solutions. In order to do so, the Project will include the development of a self-assessment tool to analyse a range of datasets from selected V4 cities, in six defined areas aligned with the EY Smart City Index. In addition, the project will, through the use of an online platform, seek to activate stakeholder engagement, including citizens and the private sector.

Main project objective

  • Support the establishment of a unified SC methodology to analyse the current state of cities and determine the priority areas for investment
  • Contribute to the creation of relevant data sources and support the availability of data about the SC initiatives
  • Support the ability of cities to identify and define projects and areas of common interest to for example enhance the potential of investment opportunities and bankability of projects

Partners :


  1. Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Address: Műegyetem rakpart 3. , Budapest, 1111, Hungary
    Website: bme.hu
    Coordinator of the project: Peter Bakonyi Ph.D
    Coordinator’s email: bakonyip@eit.bme.hu
    Coordinator’s phone: +0036 30 9337637

Project partners:

  1. Ernst & Young, s.r.o.
    Czech Republic
    Web: http://www.ey.com/cz/cs/home
  2. University of Warsaw
  3. University of Zilina
    Slovak Republic
    Web: www.uniza.sk/
  4. Central Bohemian Innovation Centre (SIC)
    Czech Republic
    Web: www.s-ic.cz/cs/

Project with the support of the International Visegrad Fund

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